Why DeeAn Arts ?
It's an Investment you can count on
Paintings are not just an expensive hobby – they can be a rewarding investment too! Inspired by the world around us, we give you the art supplies you need to create your next masterpiece. From Sculpture paintbrushes and sculpting tools to drafting tables and drawing supplies-our selection will have you covered.
We are committed to providing high-quality craftsmanship in every product we offer. Our paint colors are no exception. We use only the best quality pigments so that whatever colors you choose, they’ll never crack or fade. As a professional sculpture painter with any course you take at Deean Arts, you’ll have an opportunity to showcase your work on our various platforms.
Habib Ansari is the pillar of thought behind the idea of Deean Arts. Deean Arts not only provides you online teaching lessons about sculpture painting but it also makes available all the necessary supplies and toolkits that you will need to create your masterpiece under one umbrella. It’s an Indian brand and we know the pain of cultivating an expensive hobby while managing our regular lives and therefore we provide world class Sculpture painting supplies at a very pocket friendly price.
The Journey of Deean Arts started with scarcity, when the owner of Deean arts was struggling with her Job, but she didn’t back down because her dreams were big. Dee has been sculpting since 2018 and with time she has become one of the best Russian sculpture painter’s in the country. She conducted one of the biggest sculpture painting events in the cleanest city of Madhya Pradesh that is Indore and this event was attended by almost 150 participants where she demonstrated the techniques of Sculpture painting Live. Art is her life and she is on a mission to share her passion with the world.
Habib creates sculptures that intrigue and inspire everyone who sees them. Her work is all about spreading love and joy into the world through her unique sculptures that tell a story of their own. You can even explore and buy some of the masterpieces right now. Interested in knowing about the evolution of Deean Arts? Click here to read our Blog!
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